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US News & World Report - Rankings of K-12 Schools

US News and World Report reviewed information on over 100,000 elementary and middle schools across the country, a review which included 4,639 elementary and middle schools in Illinois. 

Of that group, all four D101 schools were ranked in the top 100 across Illinois. This recognition is not only something that should be a source of pride among our students, staff and school community, but also among our broader Western Springs community. In a village as amazing as Western Springs, one of its strongest resources is the close relationship that exists between the community and District 101. For those of you interested in reading more, we have linked below the Patch article that overviewed the story locally, the direct link to the US News release, as well as the direct link for each of our schools included in the US News report.

Patch Article

US News Article


Field Park

Forest Hills
