Grades 4-8
Important Dates
BOLDED CONCERTS ARE REQUIRED please make a note on your family calendar.
Elementary Orchestra Dates
Tues., August 27 - 4th grade B&O information meeting and registration night at McClure, 9:30 am OR 6 pm (LLC)
September 3 - 4th and 5th grade Elementary B&O group lessons begin
Wed., September 11 - 5th Grade Band & Orchestra Rehearsals begin at McClure mornings
September 10 - 4th grade B&O group lessons begin WITH instruments
December 5 - 5th-8th grade B&O Holiday Concert, McClure, 7pm
Wed., January 8 - 4th grade Rehearsals begin at McClure after school
February 27 - 4th-8th grade Winter Orchestra Concert, 7pm
March 8 - LT Solo and Ensemble Festival at LT South Campus (optional--5th grade only)
Thurs., April 17 - Tour to elementary schools
May 8 - 4th-5th grade Spring Band, Orchestra, Choir Concert 7pm
May 27 - Field Park B&O Pizza Party
May 28 - Forest Hills B&O Pizza Party
May 29 - Laidlaw B&O Pizza Party
McClure Orchestra Dates
September 3 - 7/8th grade AM Orchestra rehearsals begin
September 16 - ILMEA nominations Due
September 30 - ILMEA auditions Due
October 3- Jazz Band and Alternative Strings auditions
October 17 - (8th Grade) String Workshop at LT
October 22 - (6th-8th grade) B&O Fall Fun Recording Day
November 23 - ILMEA festival at Cicero Unity
December 5 - (5th-8th grade) B&O Holiday Concert, McClure, 7pm
January 27 - (7th grade) Orchestra Festival at LTHS
February 27 - (4th-8th grade) Winter Orchestra Concert, 7pm
March 8 - (5th-8th grade) LT Solo and Ensemble Festival at LT South Campus (optional)
April 17- (7th-8th grade) Jr. High B & O tour to the elementary schools
May 6 - (6th-8th grade) Spring JH Band & Orchestra Concert, 7pm
May 10 - B & O Great America Trip
May 14 - 8th Grade B&O Celebration Trip