bulldog bark


Meeting Schedule:

The Bulldog Bark team meets after school on alternating Wednesdays from 3:30-4:15 PM in the LLC (Library Learning Center).

Eligibility and Participation:

Open to all students in grades 6-8 who are interested in journalism and writing.
Students wishing to join must be diligent about their writing, meet deadlines, and be committed to returning a story for publishing.

Collaborative Environment:

Students work together after school to brainstorm ideas, collaborate on story concepts, and complete their articles.

Writing Focus:

Students learn to write for the McClure student body, keeping their audience in mind as they craft their stories. While topics can vary widely in interest, maintaining a journalistic style is encouraged.

Content Guidelines:

Topics can range from school events, student achievements, and local news to entertainment, sports, and opinion pieces. Students should aim to create engaging and relevant content that reflects the interests of their peers while adhering to journalistic standards.

The newsletter is published online 3 times a year (sometimes 4) and sent via email to all students/staff. 

Sponsors: Mrs. Sluis (tsluis@d101.org