November 18, 2024 - Board Brief
Board President, Mrs. Caitlin Sendaydiego, welcomed everyone to the Board’s September meeting. The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. No public comment attendees were present.
Board President’s Report
Mrs. Sendaydiego commended the 7th grade girls’ basketball team, not only for their undefeated season, but also for their consistently positive representation of McClure both home and away throughout the season.
Superintendent’s Report
Veterans Day Ceremony
Dr. Coffey commented that the District's annual Veteran’s Day ceremony, this year, hosted by McClure was a beautiful student-inspired tribute to the Veterans of our community. Dr. Coffey also shared her observation that the entire McClure student body modeled outstanding behavior and appropriate participation throughout this important event.
D101 in the News
Dr. Coffey reported that all four D101 schools were included in the recent U.S. News & World Report top 100 schools in Illinois list. She also reported that Forest Hills was named the #7 school in the state of Illinois.
7th Grade Girls Basketball Team and Cross Country Team Recognition
Dr. Coffey asked Mrs. Broadnax, McClure Jr. High Principal, to invite the members of the 7th grade girls’ baseball team to be recognized by the board for their undefeated season. The Board and meeting attendees congratulated the team on their accomplishments.
Mrs. Broadnax, along with cross country coaches Monique Martinez, Eileen Baer and Lisa Graber introduced the cross country team runners who qualified for the state meet this season. The Board and meeting attendees congratulated the team on their accomplishments.
Levy Hearing
Zach Stokes, Director of Finance and Operations, presented the Board with the Draft 2024 Levy Presentation. The Board asked questions of Mr. Stokes and Dr. Coffey. Additionally, Mr. Stokes noted that this year’s formal Levy Hearing would be held in conjunction with the December 17 Board of Education meeting.
Action Items Approved by the Board
The Board approved the employment of Tina Lee, School Nurse, .39 FTE at Field Park.
The Board accepted the Administrative & Teacher Compensation Report for the 23-24 School Year.
The Board approved a Leave of Absence request for Katie Moody, 5th grade teacher at Laidlaw.
The Board approved a Resolution Regarding the Estimated Amounts Necessary to Be Levied for the 2024 School Year.
The Board approved revisions and review of the 1000 Policy Series.
Additional Items Discussed by the Board of Education
The Board discussed the following issues:
Dr. Coffey updated the Board on student behavior from the last meeting to present. She reported 1 incident of bullying and 2 new incidents of discriminatory language. Parents of all parties were contacted in all incidents and students received consequences in accordance with their behaviors. Parent responses were positive and supportive.
The Board discussed the initial draft of the 2025-26 school year calendar and provided Dr. Coffey with feedback. She noted that a revised version will be shared with the Board in advance of its December meeting.
The Board engaged in an interactive discussion regarding facilities master planning and related considerations for Facility Condition Assessments of all D101 buildings versus the exploration of other preventative maintenance/planning approaches. More information will be gathered for further consideration.
Past Board Briefs